Sunday, November 30, 2008

Family gatherings

Family gatherings are different for each side of the family. I went to Kansas for thanksgiving this year. It was neat to learn about the family history and to see the other side. this side of the family has like family reunions every year. there were 39 of us there for thanksgiving dinner. While the other side just has close family there. I think its strange how each family celebrates each holiday. I think i might have to go back to see who i remember and who i dont.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Riding ATVs

Riding ATVs can be fun but it can also be dangerous. i should know i rolled my ATV down the side of a hill. It started when i was told to ride up this hill and i tried to go down a different side of the hill than i came up. As i went down the side of the hill i realized there was a giant draw and i tried to change the direction i was going down the hill. when i did this i was basically sideways on the hill and it got steep. I panicked and jumped off causing my ATV to roll. the ATV rolled right across my legs and rolled 2 more times. it was scary.
ATVs can also be a lot of fun though. Riding across pastures at fast speeds and ramping off of prairie dog mounds. Or spinning cookies on the county road and leaving them for someone to complain about. Or better yet racing your sibling down the road to see who wins. Its also fun to race your parents if you get the chance.
Chasing cows on ATVs can be very dangerous because going too fast across a pasture can result in bad things. I have been racing across a pasture before chasing a cow. I was going too fast for my own good. So i'm chasing this cow and come upon a cow trail which has blow out. I'm, of course going too fast to stop so i decide to just ride it out. i make it across. I found out after 10 years of chasing cows its better to just as fast as you can across the draw than it is to slow down and try to stop.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

blind vs. deaf

i would give up sight because if i couldn't hear i probably go crazy. i like to be able to hear what's going on around me. For example, if you are crossing the street i would like to hear if there is a vechile coming at me. another benefit is you get to have a dog help you around. i also like to hear what people have to say for people often have interesting things to say. If i couldn't hear what my mom has to say i would