Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Talk about a sucky senior year

i can't think of any other time in my high school career that i have had such a bad year. You might say you can relate to me but i say not. First i started off not really getting along with my class. Second, my brother dies in a car accident. Third, to top it off, my grandma dies. So dont come crying to me when something little happens right now. I more than likely will not care what your problem is. I'm living day by day. Now that is a sucky senior year.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Days go by

The days go by and you still wonder if you are living for real or if this is all a dream that you will wake up from. I feel like that right now. i feel as i living on a rollercoaster with all of the emotions going through me right now. I wake up each day and have to remind myself that my brother is gone. It seems so unfair. I lost my partner for guitar hero and all of the video games that dylan and i used to play. I lost the person who showed me all the new music and made me listen to it. It just seems so unreal. The one thing i want i cant have and i would give up everything just to have my brother back. But there is nothing anyone can do for me to ease the pain. I put it off for as long as i can until it comes back to bite me

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Decisions about living on campus

What residence hall do i want to stay in? Do i like background noise or not? This seem to be the questions they ask. I have no idea what residence hall i want to stay in. You have to have a preference for where you want to live. I have no idea. i just kno i don't want to live on the 12th floor of White Hall. Another question is what about my roommate. Will i like my roommate? Will i like college? This seems to be spinning around in my head.

Friday, January 23, 2009

My Brother, Dylan Nerud

you never realize how much someone means to you until they're gone. Most people might think that dylan was just an annoying brother to me. He was that and so much more. He was my best friend too. All i had to do was ask and he would help me or play video games with me. we would also race the fourwheelers back to the house. i know one of the things i loved about dylan was the crazy sound effects and all the quotes from different movies. I know i will never forget his famous text messages that he sent. Most of you may not realize this but he gave me a very unique nickname that only he would call me. i have asked one of his friends to call me this. If you want the nickname please ask me and i will gladly tell you.