Monday, February 23, 2009

Days go by

The days go by and you still wonder if you are living for real or if this is all a dream that you will wake up from. I feel like that right now. i feel as i living on a rollercoaster with all of the emotions going through me right now. I wake up each day and have to remind myself that my brother is gone. It seems so unfair. I lost my partner for guitar hero and all of the video games that dylan and i used to play. I lost the person who showed me all the new music and made me listen to it. It just seems so unreal. The one thing i want i cant have and i would give up everything just to have my brother back. But there is nothing anyone can do for me to ease the pain. I put it off for as long as i can until it comes back to bite me

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Decisions about living on campus

What residence hall do i want to stay in? Do i like background noise or not? This seem to be the questions they ask. I have no idea what residence hall i want to stay in. You have to have a preference for where you want to live. I have no idea. i just kno i don't want to live on the 12th floor of White Hall. Another question is what about my roommate. Will i like my roommate? Will i like college? This seems to be spinning around in my head.